pLGG Resources

Supporting children living with pLGG

Day One Team.

Day One Biopharmaceuticals is investigating targeted therapies and shaping the future of pLGG treatment

Inspired by the urgent needs of children with cancer, Day One Biopharmaceuticals was created to bridge the disparity in treatment access and innovation for pediatric oncology. We’ll pursue each opportunity with the same dedication we do for children, with the goal of helping people of all ages benefit from our treatments.

Our growing team includes physicians and nurses with experience working with families facing a pediatric cancer diagnosis, which helps to bring a unique understanding of patients with pLGG.

Helpful resources and education for all members of the pLGG community

Download Pediatric Low-Grade Glioma (pLGG) Doctor Discussion Guide

Discussion Guide

The discussion guide can help your patients with pLGG and their families talk to you about their treatment goals. Download the guide and share it with your patients and families at their next visit.

Download Discussion Guide
Play a deep dive into pLGG Video

A deep dive into pLGG

Educate your patients and their families on how the biology of BRAF-driven pLGG can influence treatment planning.

Play the Video
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